How to apply



A Brief Guide to the Registration of the Work


What Kinds of Works Can Be Submitted?

Any student work on design and visual culture and communication created after January 1, 2017 and which has not been enrolled in any of the foregoing years of the International Award for Student Design can be submitted to the International Award for Student Design 2020. The students of Universities, High and Practical schools who finished their studies at summer semester 2020 at the latest may take part in the competition. Both Czech and foreign student works are acceptable.


What Do You Need?

You must prepare these materials before registration your work (no info that could identify the author must be introduced; there are two exceptions: names of image attachments and the name of the file with poster!):

  • Main picture that depicted the work in the best way, format JPG, max size 3MB. Name of the file (without diacritics).

  • Maximum 8 image attachments (possible poster included), format JPG, max size of 1 file 2.5MB. Names of the file with attachments (without diacritics).

  • Name of the work and subtitle (in English) and a short annotation (max 500 characters) and the same in English (also max 500 characters)

  • If you are submitting your work through your school, check up whether (and in what way) the school will participate on paying the registration fee.


How to Submit Your Work?

Connect to the web pages on before June 26, 2020 and fill-in all necessary items. If you need next info, please contact us via e-mail ( or by phone +420 733 155 985 (Miss Lucie Kaslová).


What to Do Next?

You will be informed by e-mail about next steps (paying registration fee, assigning registration number, alternatively about advancing to the international round and delivering
your works and printed posters).


Important Deadlines and Dates

  • June 26, 2020: closing of the register forms (you can edit registration and attachments before this date)

  • September 10, 2020: session of the International Jury

  • November 30 – December 9, 2020 supposed term of exhibition of the nominated works Nomination‼! and New Go(o)ds! In theDEPO2015 in Pilsen

  • December 4, 2020: supposed date of the ceremonial declaration of National Award for Student Design