Přihlášení pro účastníky soutěže

Enter the same password as before, for verification.



Any student work that can be included in the visual communication design can be registered in The Czech International Student Design Award 2024 (the competition is international):

Visual Style, Visual Identity
Book, Publication, Brochure
Application, Movie Design, Digital Media

The students of Universities, High and Professional Schools who finished their studies in summer semester 2024 at the latest can take part in the competition individually or as school representatives. Both Czech and foreign student works are acceptable.


How to Register a Work?

You must fill in the registration form on www.studentskydesign.cz till June 30, 2024 at the latest.


What You Need to Registration?

You must prepare these materials before registration your work (no info that could identify author or school must be introduced; there are two exceptions: names of image attachments and name of the file with poster):

  1. Title and subtitle of the work (Czech and English).

  2. Short annotation in Czech and English (maximum 500 characters).

  3. Main picture of the work that depict it in the best way, format JPG, maximal size 3MB. Name of the file without diacritics.

  4. No more than 8 attachments (poster included), format JPG, maximal sizes of one file 3MB. Names of files without diacritics.

  5. Reference to video (if you are going to attach any).

  6. Make sure whether school will pay partially or fully the registration fee (1000 CZK or 45 Euro) or you will pay it yourself.


How to Fill in the Registration Form?

1. If you already have an account from previous years then use it for register. If you do not have any then choose option “You do not have an account?” to create it.

2. You will receive a request to the e-mail you have defined to confirm creating of the account. You must click out this request. Then you can register.

3. You can register more works using your account. These works are visible to you; you can edit them before the registration is closed.

4. You must fill in all mandatory fields in the form.


The form consists of three parts:

A. First, it is necessary to upload basic information about the work.

B. Next you fill in information on authors and school.

C. Finally, it is possible to upload pictures and videos. First, please, upload the picture that depicts your work in the best way. This picture will represent your work on web. Each next picture is possible to upload after uploading the previous one.

5. After you have uploaded a picture no final confirmation of registration is necessary. It has been done! If you want to verify whether your work has been uploaded OK, you can check it on the folder “MY WORKS” where you can delete it or you can edit it.


What will be going on after Registration?

E-mail will inform you about next progress (payment of fee, assigning registration number, possible nomination and advance to international round and submitting the work and printed poster that are needed in the international round).



In case of any questions, please contact us: e-mail: info@designcabinet.cz.

If you have problems with completing the registration form, please contact:
or phone: + 420 733 155 985 (MgA Lucie Lobotková)