Prizes of Dean of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia in Plzeň

Darjan Hardi,

Book of Milorad Pavič Dictionary of the Khazars

Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze
Vedoucí pedagog: doc. MgA. Juraj Horváth

Dean appreciates the intelligent and considerable art interpretation of this postmodern literary work.

MgA. Vojtěch Aubrecht
Dean of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia in Plzeň


Adrián Gubrica

Application Mariupol Digital Memorial

Fakulta multimediálních komunikací, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Vedoucí pedagog: MgA. Bohuslav Stránský, Ph.D.

Dean appreciates the art and ideological concept that presents the ravages of war aggression via victims´ personal experiences.

MgA. Vojtěch Aubrecht
Dean of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia in Plzeň


Monika Szlanta

Poster Cats
Poster for the competition of the musical theatre in Chorzów for the play Cat

Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie, Polsko
Vedoucí pedagog: prof. Lech Majewski

Dean appreciates the original art expression.

MgA. Vojtěch Aubrecht
Dean of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia in Plzeň


Konrád Karlík

Typography Musical Notes and Typesetting
Design of musical notation for linear san-serif font

Vyšší odborná škola grafická a Střední průmyslová škola grafická, Hellichova, Praha
Vedoucí pedagog: MgA. Martin Procházka

Dean appreciates the complex and original approach to the symbiosis of typography and musical notation.

MgA. Vojtěch Aubrecht
Dean of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia in Plzeň

Prize Exit Design Award / Prize of Dean of Art and Design Faculty of J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem

Karolína Pucholtová

Book Kladno
Kladno, this is the city!

Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Vedoucí pedagog: MgA. Eva Hudečková

The book “Kladno” is not only a noticeable work from the point of view of graphics but also an object with the impressive invention that connects the content and the form of realization. The topic, that is mapping history of the vanished city parts resounds with the similar fate of other industrial settlements, especially in the region and city where I am living and working myself, creates a unique environment, we should seek the relation to understand them and to like them. I believe that this book provides this potential.

Doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Mrkus
Dean of Art and Design Faculty of J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem

Prize of Rector of Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague/UMPRUM

Adrián Gubrica

Aplikace Digitálny pamätník Mariupoľu / Application Mariupol Digital Memorial
Interaktívna webová skúsenosť / Immersive Web Experienc

Fakulta multimediálních komunikací, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Vedoucí pedagog: MgA. Bohuslav Stránský, Ph.D.

The work is making accessible, via using digital technology in an impressive way, the outrageous war crime committed on Ukrainian inhabitants.

Prof. PhDr. PaedDr. Jindřich Vybíral, CSc.
Rector of Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague/UMPRUM


Diana Mrázová

Application CO₂e
About the carbon footprint

Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave, SR
Vedoucí pedagog: doc. Mgr. art. Ján Šicko, ArtD.

The project deals with the important actual topic that influences especially the young generation. It tries to address the general public and to lead it to the ecological thinking. The design presentation of the project is clear and easy to understand. The web pages that are part of the project are graphically well arranged.

Doc. akad. mal. Josef Mištera,
Chairman of the Board of Directors


Mariia Stavniichuk

Book Kherson. The pearl of southern Ukraine, or not just by watermelons alone
Personal guidebook to the city Kherson

Fakulta umění a designu, Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labe
Vedoucí pedagog: doc. akad. mal. Michal Slejška

Female author is speaking, via this guide, in an emotional way about the city and the place she comes from. She introduces, in an attractive way, to the future visitor the places that are intimate to her and where she was growing up. The whole project gains intensity and impressiveness at the nowadays situation. The book is well arranged and gives the reader a strong impression.

Doc. akad. mal. Josef Mištera,
Chairman of the Board of Directors


Adrián Gubrica

Application Mariupol Digital Memorial
Immersive Web Experience

Fakulta multimediálních komunikací, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Vedoucí pedagog: MgA. Bohuslav Stránský, Ph.D.

The project responds to the nowadays development and the impact of bombing in relation to inhabitants of the city. It is an alarming student´s expression to this situation and metaphor to the human victim’s memorial. As it is not possible to create a real physical memorial, the reality is expressed in the interactive web presentation.

Doc. akad. mal. Josef Mištera,
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Prize of Albatros Media Publishing House

Marto Kelbl

Book They, Them
Stories from all over the gender spectru

Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Vedoucí pedagog: akad. mal. Renáta Fučíková

We chose the book “They, Them” due to several interesting concepts presented. Our interest was caught by both the chosen subject and the art processing. The book presents the topic that is recently discussed in the extensive way. Stories from various periods and environments are aptly formed by the illustrations that are characterized by certain exuberance and colour uncontrollability. We suppose that the book, thanks to the attractive art form, will address wide range of young readers who can find varied information dealing with the subject of the gender identity in one place.

Akad. soch. Alexandra Horová
Art Editor of Albatros Media a.s.

Prize of Director of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague

Huang YaLi

Poster OedoOnsen (Hot spring)

Joshibi University of Art and Design, Japonsko
Vedoucí pedagog: Mr. AkinariAsano

Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague appreciates the original interpretation of the Japanese culture presented via the poster series OedoOnsen (Hot Spring) that becomes integrated into collection profile of one of the largest European poster collections. Although the (female) author investigated the Japanese historical culture facts, he/she is working with them in a free way, witty and presents the ancient Japanese style of living in the attractive kaleidoscopic way.

PhDr. Iva Knobloch Ph. D.
Member of The International Jury, head of the Centre for Design and Applied Arts of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague

ATAK Design Studio Award, Brno

Huang YaLi     

Poster Oedo Onsen (Hot spring)

Joshibi University of Art and Design, Japonsko                      
Vedoucí pedagog: Mr. Akinari Asano

The graphics caught our attention by their mutual interaction of shapes, motifs, and colours that arouse not only excitement, adventure, expectation but also harmony we know e. g. from Wassily Kandinsky´s graphics. The posters refer to the traditional Japanese characters and the iconic symbols of the locality. We have not known of Odeo Onsen Monogatari but now we are longing for visiting it.

Ing. Milan Vrbík
Founder, head manager and designer of ATAK Design Studio s.r.o.

The Association of Graphics Arts and Design Awards

Katrin Bittnerová
Spoluautoři: Rudolf, Františka a Barbora Bittnerová

Book The Ant War
Family diary entries

Fakulta umění a designu, Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem
Vedoucí pedagog: prof. akad. mal. Karel Míšek, Ph.D.

The work is based on the World War II diary of the female author´s great-grandparents Francis and Rudolph. They engaged in the underground revolt in the city of Zbiroh area and after disclosure they were transported to concentration camp. The key feature of the book is attractive, conceptual and illustrative guide represented by the ant characters with photo documentation. Female author managed to process very impressive story in the typographically clear expression of text with illustrations.

The Association of Graphics Arts and Design Award


Barbora Němcová

Application Hop
Development of preschool children

Fakulta umění a designu, Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labe
Vedoucí pedagog: prof. akad. mal. Karel Míšek, Ph. D.

The project offers in an interesting way a tool that helps to develop the pre-school children´s intellect from both points of view: text and graphics. The substantial part of the project is also the interactive feature that attracts the little reader in an intelligent way to realization and discovering the wealth contained in the book.

Tasks and stories enable the children to exercise the graph-motoric skills that are important for the future development in manual writing manifestation, recognition processes and other mental functions. The whole concept of the project, illustrative presentation with the typography is processed on the master level.

The Association of Graphics Arts and Design Award

Awards of the Czech Fine Arts Foundation

Adrián Gubrica

Application Mariupol Digital Memorial
Immersive Web Experience

Fakulta multimediálních komunikací, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Vedoucí pedagog: MgA. Bohuslav Stránský, Ph.D.

We appreciate the work´s topicality related to the Ukraine´s fight against the Russian aggressor. Nobody should be indifferent to this fight.

Czech Fine Arts Foundation


Barbora Němcová

Application Hop
Development of preschool children

Fakulta umění a designu, Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labe
Vedoucí pedagog: prof. akad. mal. Karel Míšek, Ph. D.

The work is remarkable by putting emphasis on the preschool children, especially their graph-motor skills and next prowess´. Nowadays, the children are able to write on keyboards of computers, iPods’, and mobiles better than by hand.

Czech Fine Arts Foundation

Public Prizes

Vendula Frydrychová

Book To Norway with Vendelína

Fakulta multimediálních komunikací, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlín
Vedoucí pedagog: doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Noga, ArtD.


Emma Folprechtová

Book Linda Has Emma
Talk about girly things

Vyšší odborná škola grafická a Střední průmyslová škola grafická, Hellichova, Praha
Vedoucí pedagog: Bc. Bohumil Vašák