Kafkárna / House & garden
Excellent student design
The poll is over. Thanks to all participants!Magdalena Konečná, Žofia Fodorová
Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze
Collection of texts of the Centre for Art and Ecology at UMPRUM
The book summarizes the events in Bohumil Kafka's former studio over the past three years, when it came under the patronage of The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. The newly established Centre for Art and Ecology at UMPRUM hosted a number of art symposia, workshops and community events. The publication is a collection and a theoretical and artistic reflection of the whole project. Like the project archive, it includes a number of contributions on the history of the building, and artistic practice at Kafkárna, and covers topics such as ecology and collective living.