The Old Bohemian Bastard of the Trojan Chronicle, reconstruction and redesign
National price for student design GRAND
The poll is over. Thanks to all participants!Barbora Kramná
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
The Old Bohemian Bastard of the Trojan Chronicle, reconstruction and redesign
The project is focused on the Old Bohemian Bastarda, its reconstruction, digitization and the design of a contemporary typeface inspired by the Old Bohemian bastarda. The aim of the thesis is to design a functional and modern typeface, the realization of which is inspired by the study of historical fonts, specifically the Old Czech bastardy used in the Trojan Chronicle. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the contemporary context of this work and the ambiguities regarding the dating of its creation are mentioned, the development of the typeface in the historical context.